Weekly Work Update #1

End week 7.

I have one task remaining for this week (a practice exam to do tomorrow) and have already completed two tasks for next week: the reading, and the site and communication assessment section for that subject I wasn’t too keen on. Turns out I like doing the assessment because it involves a lot of organising… who would have thought?

Assessment that was due this week:

  • a profile redraft for Feature Writing; and
  • the group document for Event Management (handed in by someone else).

Assessment that is due next week:

  • an in-class personal column for Feature Writing.

I also have a dance test on Sunday 14 for skating that I’m over-ready for: two dances I had last year for competition, and the third dance I had this year for competition.

I also scored a job interview for Brisbane’s Oktoberfest; I haven’t worked since January, so this is pretty exciting (even if it is only for six days).

Assessment that I’m currently working on:

  • an event operations portfolio for Event Management (due week 12) that is almost finished;
  • a blog for Media Design and Layout (due week 9) that is finished, but I’m going to keep adding to it anyway;
  • a design portfolio for the same subject (due week 13) that is almost finished;
  • the first part of a writing portfolio for Corporate Writing and Editing (due week 10) that is finished; and
  • a magazine feature story for Feature Writing (due week 11) that I’ve just started.

I also have an in-class exam in week 9 that I’ve been writing study notes for; open-book exams are the best kind.

Assessment that I haven’t started on yet:

  • a background feature story for Feature Writing (completed within a three-hour block in week 10);
  • the second part of a writing portfolio for Corporate Writing and Editing (due one week after the end of semester) that we don’t have information for yet; and
  • an exam for Corporate Writing and Editing in the two-week exam period after the semester has finished.

As you can probably tell, I have a lot of things on the go at once, which is how I stay ahead of the game, and how I stop assessment due dates from creeping up on me. A nice feeling is searching for things to put on my to do list because I’m so far ahead of myself. An especially nice feeling is having pretty much everything done before the weekend so I get to play The Sims 4.

WEB01Sims4PAINTWEB02Sims3intothefutureMove over, Sims 3 Into the Future, a new generation has arrived.

And yes, do expect a report on my game play sometime over the weekend.


Until next time

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